We had a very quick snowstorm again last night. Right at 8:00 PM our big grey long-haired fuzzball cat was hollering outside the back door like something was seriously tormenting him. Thankfully, I've got a DVR,so I didn't really miss any of opening minutes of Hee Haw. I let him in and was very surprised to see how hard it was blowing and snowing. Visibility barely extended to the back porch steps. The cat looked like the abdominal snowman on one side, and like himself on the other. He came in and shook off a bunch of snow on the kitchen floor. We got about an inch of snow in the next hour. Then the stars appeared.

It was 55 yesterday afternoon. It is 45 now. Somehow, it had dropped into the low 20s after sundown last evening, where it stayed until mid-morning today. Still, I've only had to plow driveway snow twice this season, which is pretty unusual -- especially when our biggest snow was 9-inches in late October.

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