I have seen an otter in my pond too, along with every heron within miles it seems. The heron decoy doesn't work either. Otters have made a comeback here in NC. I have seen them on other ponds too. Only thing I have found that works is a 17 caliber! Tried trapping too, caught some raccoons, but no otter. I come to the conclusion this is one/two otters at most, and they hadn't taken up permanant residence yet. I searched the forum and seen some posts where folks just accept them being there. I share your pain with seeing your fish being eaten by "outsiders". I found a nice crawfish claw, and a pile of chewed up fish on my dock. Looked like it had regurgitated this mess, or he was letting me know he's smarter than me. My wife says it's looks like the Caddyshack movie where Bill Murray is chasing the gopher around!

"I have not failed, I have only found 10,000 ways that won't work"
Thomas Edison