So here's the temp chart that my scientist friend made for me. The blue horizontal line is 30.15 degrees, which represents the lower control limit for making an inch of ice per day. It doesn't look so hot from here, with 4 days breaching the line between now and when my trip is scheduled.

Add to that that the temps reported on the longterm forecast have been trending up as they get nearer, and it looks like the ice will be just under the "safe enough for my wife not to worry" line of 5-7 inches. We still might be cool with 4-5 inches, but with all of the warm springs in my dad's pond, looks like i will, at best, spend the day sitting on the dock and only venturing out to chase flags as far out as a safety rope can lead me.

Dear Weather,

Last edited by skinnybass; 01/11/12 10:35 AM.

Trying to help with 7.5 Acres in the Chain of Lakes Illinois
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The fish would stay out of trouble if it could just keep its fool mouth shut.
Turns out there is a lot I should be learning from the fish.