Originally Posted By: Brettski
pretty much done with the ductwork over the shop area...
One of the issues with burying all the ductwork into the framing and behind the drywall is access to the dampers to adjust and even out the airflow. I asked my pal in the trades and he told me to put them at the very end of each branch, just in front of the register. This way, I can reach into each register opening and adjust the damper from within the duct. No, it's not ideal but it works and is better than no damper at all. This also means that I won't be able to tighten up the damper hardware over time, so I made a couple of changes in the design by removing the adjusting arm and adding washers and a locknut.

I'm using 2-1/4 x 12" register boots upstairs, so Dski's arms may have to be called into action during adjustments.

(ooops....one too many holes in that last pic...gonna have to patch it)

Really done nice job there man....one of my friend tell me about this to see.I appreciate you...
Thanks for sharing this....

Last edited by Adriel; 01/10/12 06:05 AM.