Originally Posted By: Bob Lusk
They live in Richmond Mill Lake, Laurel Hill, North Carolina...along with bluegills ranging beyond three pounds, hundreds of largemouth bass ranging beyond 8 pounds and 30 other species in this 125 acre lake built in 1835.

Thanks guys. Sounds like a potential occupant, but not a primary member of the food chain.

I skimmed through all 18 pages of the creating the food chain thread today looking for alternative species to build a diverse forage base. Somewhere in there, there was a mention of diverse vs simple forage base thread, but I have been unable to find it. Do you guys recall this thread.

There weren't a lot of outside the box ideas that people thought were good ideas. I believe the consensus forage fish were:

Bluntnose minnows
spotfin shiners
PK shrimp
papershell crayfish
lake chubsuckers
Gizzard shad

That isn't the broadest selection. What other candidates might you suggest?