
I tried Clipper at the max rates suggested to control Pithophora and it did not work for me. However, and in the same ponds with the same applications, the Clipper smoked the naiad and the small pondweed (P. pusilis).

I put the Clipper into solution and sprayed the perimeters of the ponds where the algae was present. The entire perimeter of each of three ponds were treated. The results of the submerged weed control were not evident until several weeks later, but they did not return for the rest of the season. I was monitoring the ponds on a weekly basis. Unfortuantely, we never got great control of the resistant Pithophora no matter what we threw at it.

pH has a lot to do with success as the water cannot be too basic. Our's was within the range. I have spoken with others, however, that were able to control Pithophora with Clipper. I think they were mixing copper as well but I cannot remember. My applications with Clipper were not tank mixed with anything else. It is dusty so wear a mask.

I don't know quite yet if I will use it again. There is not a lot of industry experience with it as you are learning. To no one's fault, I was hearing different rates, applications techniques, etc, and it's an expensive product to try to educate one's self. Or maybe not- it did smoke the submerged weeds and they did not return as would have been the case with Reward or Aquathol.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Albert Einstein