Man this is a great way to celebrate the last day of 2011, with another OTTER. They have been hammering me. I resorted to pulling out some old steel leg traps, and got this one by the last digits of two toes. If he hadn't wrapped himself up in this paddlewheel aerator and drowned, then he would have escaped (without two toes however). Also recently I did also catch a single otter toe but he got away. Otters populations seem to be on the rise around here. I'm even happy to catch toes actually because I figure that puts a significant damper on their skill level. I get more and more calls with mysterious fish disappearances. I just invested in a lot of conibear traps also and plan to start offering pest control services for pond and lake owners. They have an affinity for hybrid stripers and especially largemouth bass.

It's ALL about the fish!