Originally Posted By: esshup

Yes, you can run propane ones inside, but I still wouldn't recommend it. I worked at a place where all we had were propane forklifts. One week, one started running bad, and we all ended up with headaches.

I know the price of the "off name" generators that some of the big box stores carry is tempting, but for something that could make or break one to two years of work, I wouldn't chance it. I would stick to a more mainstream manufacturer, even if it was more than 2x the price of the off neme ones. If the unit breaks, finding parts may be durn near impossible 5-10 years down the road.

Excellent point and we do know Wallmart and Sam's Club are basically Chinamart and sell low end quality and seconds. Even though my brother finally got a job at Walmart after being a comptroller for a corporation (part-time minimum wage greeter) I'd rather buy something American that will put an American worker back to work.

I'm comparing and researching right now, and haven't made any decisions, but will pay more for not only at least mostly American but something I can get serviced and parts for.

Last edited by Cecil Baird1; 11/27/11 10:52 AM.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.