Stren has not been around long enough with their fish feeders to find out if they will last that long, but that is their plan. They want to sell a feeder the ponowner will have for 10-20 years from now. They have a 4 yr warranty, and the main reason I sell them is their customer service. Both Sweeney and Sten have a great product. If they have a problem(and there has been a few) they make them right every time no questions. I had sold a few Sweeneys a few years back. The customer service end was not as nice or quick to fix problem, although they finally did and it runs great now.

I guess the folks at Stren heard Shan and Casca complaints, since the wires are now pretty much impossible to get to on the new model.

Tim, great coon story, reminds when I saw a heron eat a 3 lb bass and it also could not move and I helped it out

Greg Grimes