
A reputable contractor is always preferred. You want a contractor that has local experience and has many lake construction jobs under their belt.

When we perform site assessments for our customers our report always suggest interviewing potential contractors and include certain questions, the most important being:

What type of equipment do own and what type do you plan on using?

Run as fast as you can from a contractor that says they will only use a dozer.

Also ask how they will achieve compaction, if they say they will walk in the soil with a dozer.......RUN!!!!

We also suggest having a geotech survey to determine the best soils at the site. You can have clays that field test well (ribbon test, bucket test) but may not be the most desirable.

Brad Vollmar
Vollmar Pond and Lake Management

What's the difference between a lake and a pond?
If you are selling it's lake!
If you are buying it's a pond!