Hey Everyone well I been busy sorry couldn't get back right away but believe it or not I actually shot another nice doe this last Saturday morning. I couldn't believe it! About a 27 yard shot! Man I go from never shooting a deer with a bow to shooting 2 in one season!!! I am blessed this year for sure!! I hope the good Lord lets that big O'le buck come my way while he is being so generous and all to me! ML season starts here tomorrow and I am so stoked that I can now hunt for antlers as I have deer in the freezer already! I haven't shot a 8 point or bigger buck since 1985! Yeah you read that right 1985. I am hoping this is the year! Hey good luck to everyone else out there and remember be careful out there!!!

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!