One catfish is missing. The catfish, the bluegill, and the one LMB were all at the surface feeding this afternoon. But, I only saw two catfish. I added five catfish, and two died -- so one must be on the bottom. The small LMB was gobbling pellets.

I'm going to have to grind up some of the the feed. The catfish and the smallest bluegill can't get the AQM 4000 into their mouths very easily.

I switched out the 12 VDC bilge pump for a 330 GPH / 120 VAC magnetic drive pond pump with filter. It should pump about 120-150 gallons per hour at a 3.5-4 foot lift, into the plant area. I'm going to set it to run seven times in 24 hours, for 2 hours each. I'm really short of time in the next two weeks. But, as soon as I can find an hour or so, I'd sure like to get a bell siphon installed so I could run the pump continuously.

The water was still only at 54.7 degrees this afternoon, although it was 70 degrees outside. I added a 16 mil black plastic sheet to the southside of the greenhouse. Until the leaves are off the trees, I need all the heat I can get from what little sun in coming through. I'm hoping this will help. I'm thinking about switching the present fish for a number of small rainbow trout since my water is remaining so cool. I'm just worried that the trout might not have enough oxygen.


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