Originally Posted By: Jorge VA
Oh well, my Purina dealer tried several avenues but could not get any 5D19. I'm bummed. I had him order some regular Aquamax 600 - so I'll just have happy, fat cream-fleshed trout. I'm not sure if I should bother Catmandoo to try and get the Ziegler feed or not.

Amazing when capitalism fails. I guess we are spoiled by how easy it is usually to get anything we want.

Anyway - my trout come in 2 days on Friday. Can't wait - lots of 12-14" rainbows and 20lb of golden trout. I also got some 4-5" rainbows and some 5-6" browns to (hopefully) feed my bass.

I was able to get just a bag at a time but it's seasonal as in when they are making their batches (as Esshup eluded to). Perhaps that is why you couldn't get it? I would try again in the spring as that is when I was able to get it and I believe about this time of year it was not available (I'm not growing out trout at this time.)

Astaxanthin is not only a color enhancer but is claimed to have health benefits for both fish and humans, so it's not considered a bad thing.

If pigs could fly bacon would be harder to come by and there would be a lot of damaged trees.