Originally Posted By: BIGBRAND0105
I have been going back and fourth on weather or not a well to assist keeping my pond at full pool is worth the investment? My pond is about 3 years old 3/4 acre 9'-14' average (depending on time of year) dug in sandy loam with a fair amount of clay. The pond holds water pretty well but by fall I am down about 3'-4' every year. Typically late October rains bring me back up a foot or two and they by spring I am back at full pool to do it all over again. Overall i really cannot complain considering what some others are dealing with. I have been tossing around digging a well for two years but think I may make the plunge in the spring. The kicker is to get the water I need (20-25 GPM) I need to go down 340' so i am looking at a $7500 investment. It seems to me I should be able to keep the pond at full pool with the additon of the well but others have told me I am "pissing in the wind". It seems to me since the pond holds water pretty well with 20 gpm of incoming water I should be able to keep the level up? Any thoughts?

I don't think you can "guarantee water." Therefore, a dry hole is a possibility. On the other hand, one of the nice things about a well is the ability to irrigate with "unmetered" water. Also, govt. regs. may soon negate the ability to drill one.

Just part of the thought process for you to weigh. Good luck.