have a church group, or boyscouts fishing day and keep everything.

I believe the expetrs would say that that many big cats in such a small pond mess up every thing.

Either you have a super cat pond or a well balanced pond with a put and take "channel cat" fishery. Flatheads and blues are too vitious!!

Do the cats reproduce? Depending where you live.... and the severity of winter and how the pond refills...

could you lower the pond level in the winter or early spring, to discover what the true populations are and then it would be much more managable to remove "problem species" or over crowded numbers.

See what you have for bait fish too??

Just an idea, but kindof time consuming.

It is very fun though!!!

some times there is a market for large cats too, with even people looking for them on here.

keep us posted.

Water is the basis of all life, by design!