
So sorry to see you are going through exactly what we are. It is just heartbreaking. Our pond is about 12 years old, 13 feet deep and 5 acres. Now, down to almost nothing, maybe 1 acre and 5 foot deep. We DO have an aeration system going though and I know that has kept our fish alive. We have some largemouth bass that are close to 10 lbs, still kickin. Gosh, days like today are really depressing, way too hot for comfort and not a drop of rain in sight. The hubby and I were talking tonight, what if we start seeing the big bass that we see everyday start to show real signs of stress? Do we try to get them out and take them to a big lake somewhere or just watch them die? I would post a picture, but can't figure out how to do it from my ipad. Anyway let's all pray for rain in North East Texas, please.