Gee, thanks, people. Yeah, I believe there are still small/fingerling lmb, just havnt been able to see any yet in the shallows cuz water is now coated with powdery/light floating stuff. Not sure if its algae. Never had this before- so much of the surface coated.

What I meant was, all my sizeable bass are dead. Yeah, maybe I should have let the kids fish some out.

Esshup: I Have maybe 50 bluegills, and the 6 larger bass. Also, tiny gambuzhia minnows were always there. Always sun shining in FL, so I never figured an O2 crash. I am convinced the lack of sun for about 3 weeks prevented the plant life submerged to give off the needed O2. Sound likely? We have had record rain here in 12 yeqars. Kinda a smoking gun.

I will contact Sue at Vertex.......
Thanks, People!