Hey krsbigred....I am no expert on the fish part but I got to say I totally agree with Bill and Tj above, but one concern you have stated several times that has been overlooked is your kids....That is one areas I have alot of experience in. I have four fishing kids of my own not to include all of their friends...And I can tell you this..The bg will be fine for the first few times but after that they are going to want to catch what dad is catching. They will want to have their lines broke and their rods bent over. They will quickly become bored with the small panfish. Once your pond is established you will have plenty of yoy fish to keep them occupied while they wait for the big one. You do not have to go with bg just to keep the kids happy. Right now I am in the phase in my pond where my forage is building, the sunfish are in and we are waiting to stock predators. I have to beg my kids to go fishing to try and cull some bg that ended up in the pond. The action is fast with the hbg, le, res but they are not into it unless there is a chance for a big un..I guess what I am saying is not to base your pond goals so much on your kids cause as long as they have got fish to catch, plus a chance at a big un and dad to hang with they will be in...