Your big advantage with these fish is the 3 predators are either not spawning or have limited spawning (SMB). Actually I consider YP a predator. The amount of minnows or small fish that numerous LMB at 3"-8" long can and will eat is very high. If LMB are not present this takes a big pressure off minnow forage, esp adults. Note numerous SMB are also pretty hard on minnow forage. Limited number of these 3 predators and with some of them on pellets (HSB& some SMB & YP) will do a lot to help maintain minnow/shiner -crayfish forage esp if: A. SMB recruitment is well managed, and B. m/s forage is diverse, C. good cover exists. YP on pellets will grow big in this situation. If it were me I would try RES-YP first and if they are not 'filling the bill' then later add HBG assuming you don't do 2 ponds.

I suggest not to use goldn shiner. Large ones will be a BIG pest to kid's worm & bobber fishing.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 09/16/11 01:20 PM.

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