Up here in Ontario our local fish food manufacture has the dye'd food and only costs a buck or two more than the non dyed feed. I have used it and it really only changes the colour drastically on the females. I have been told by 3 large suppliers of Rainbows for fish farms here in Ontario (there are alot of HUGE operations up in Georgian bay doing cage farming) and they are wanting nothing but females because they are better controlled in the cages and they can get the pink flesh that customers (stores and restaurants) want. This past spring I tried the food on my brookies and it made no difference that I could tell, but there flesh is already that vibrant orange color anyway!

Here is a link though to the manufacture of our food up here, I have yet to be able to find anything else here in Ontario.
They are local for me and I can save $5-10 per bag going right to thier ware house instead of buying it from there middle man.