Originally Posted By: Jorge VA

If you look at the link in catmandoo's earlier post - which one would you rather eat?

The most natural one. Why should I eat some additional artificial pigment stuff if it is not necessary? Carrot color doesn't improve the taste of fish and the original color ain't bad anyway.

Originally Posted By: RC51
Correct me if I am wrong here but isn't the natural color of trout pink?
Can you really change the meat color from what you feed it?

They are a bit pink but not as much as these what are sold in shops. Their color could be described as pink+grey (a bit).
Like ~10 years ago it was possible to buy Baltic salmon in our markets but now it's almost impossible - nobody wants fish in such wrong color.
About color change:
after feeding trouts with special fish food, they can change their color.
By the way, that affects taste of all these fish. I'm not a professional in all this thing but I have spoken to serious trout keepers. If the fish feeds from natural food (for example small fish) then it will taste better. This option has a disadvantage though - fish grow slower. It's bad for business...

Originally Posted By: catmandoo

My contacts were doing it for research to try and determine if people would pay more for trout that were salmon colored, as opposed to trout filets that are natural color. And yes, when sold side-by-side, the higher priced pink filets would sell better and for more money -- yet they were otherwise identical.

I understand that it's very important when you are seriously in fish business. 99% of people think that if salmon type fish aren't in carrot color then they aren't fresh.
But if I had some trouts for myself, I wouldn't choose to dye them - we eat too much various food additives each day and why should I add more of them?