Hello All,

I have about 3 acres of creek bottom that becomes a flood zone following the winter thaw. The water only runs about a foot deep during this flooding, and returns to normal after a week or so. When it does flood, it washes over a state owned gravel road, forcing that road to be closed for the duration.
I would like to emplace a .75 - 1 acre pond in the center of the flood plain, and dig ditches that would ease the flooding of the road. I know that there are various laws that protect the flow of creeks, and I imagine there are probably laws regarding the digging of a pond. I just have not found anything along those lines in the various forums. It seems like a lot of folks are able to just pick a site and start digging.

My property is in Barboursville/Charlottesville Virginia. I am deployed to Afghanistan at the moment, so I have plenty of time to learn the ropes. Please feel free to chime in.