I have done this (well I cut the tails off), but after about 10 fish I thought it was too much work, plus seems to be just as bad as putting them on the bank.

If I can get any meat off them I will try my best to clean them. With small BG it seems they have not had a chance to put on the mass so they do end up on the bank or moved to another pond.

GSF on the other hand, at least the ones I have are nice and thick, and I found this out a few weeks ago when taking my daughter fishing (she has to keep everything to eat, or does not like to go fishing, I am trying to break her of that, and explain fishing as a nice break from home and time with dad, not buying it yet), to my surprise the little 4-5 inch fish had a nice piece of meat on it and very tasty fried up.

Do not get me wrong I would not want to clean 100 of these fish, but since we had a few nice ones and 5 CC to go with it, I said I would give it a shot. If there was not enough meat to mess with than to the compost it would go.