Ok here is the start of a my MuckAway bacteria project for any of those concerned. I started this project like the 3rd week in May and put out only 1 scoop of MuckAway every 2 to 3 weeks. It does say you can do 2 scoops to help with a larger area, but I thought I would try one scoop first and stick with it. They say it's important you stick with it every 2 to 3 weeks! Anyway. Here it is. I don't have many before pics of what I am going to show you but I do have a couple.

Ok before picture here is of a small bass I caught a year or so ago. Notice how black and yucky the water looks on the bottom. Please excuse my weed issues I am still working on that! smile

Now here is a pic from Sunday. This is the biggest area I noticed a difference in. It's clearing up nice, keep in mind I had about 6 inches or so of muck in this area. Now it's clearing up and I have about 3 inches that I measured with my paddle. The muck is also very loose now and not thick like.

Ok in this before pic I caught this bass last year. Notice once again how dark the bottom of the pond is. This is during the day in full sunlight keep in mind.

Now here is Sundays picture. Sorry for my weed / chara issues but it's been 100 plus degrees here and it's everywhere at the moment. However notice the nice clearing of the bottom. Same thing here went from about 6 or 7 inches of Muck to about 3 to 4. and very loose now.

Ok from there I just have a few more pics to show for now of areas that are clearing up. This stuff seems to be working fairly good but I am not going to say it's a fix all at this point! It works better with air running in the pond for sure! Here are a couple more pics. I will update as I see differences as I will continue to apply to see what happens.

That's if for now I will post back later as things change and I take more pictures.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!