Thank you all (or at least most of you) for the kind words. laugh

I shall try to return to a higher level of humor. In order to facilitate this I shall stop watching the news. [TEMPORARY RANT = ON] The news seems to be filled with either (a) doom and gloom or [b] celebrity melt downs (couldn't care less) or [c] which cities are the worst dressed (also couldn't care less) [TEMPORARY RANT = OFF]. So I have decided to stop watching the news and watch Three Stooges reruns and put Monty Python and the Holy Grail on a continuous feed loop. That in addition to listening to Weird Al songs should restore me to my previous humor levels.

Plus I need to get back up to my pond property. It's been almost three months and I have a bad feeling things are going on up there that I won't like. The Gams are whispering amongst themselves plotting some horrible form revenge. Elodea and American Pond weed are creeping ever so silently and maliciously across the pond. And trespassers, more and more trespassers (during our trip in May the game cameras caught 2 different bunches of people fishing at the pond and trying to mess with my Alum Boat).

So I have decided to become a super hero. I have contracted with a local seamstress to create a bedazzled Brazilian Cut Neoprene Cod Piece along with a matching cape and sandals (let's see how you sleep now Sunil and CJ). I shall fight for truth (at least my version of truth), justice and the pond meister way.

Now I only need to work on a name.....hmmm Captain Freaky Geek, The Green Sunfish Guardian, Neoprene Jhap Round Pants..well it's a work in progress.


"My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives."
...Hedley Lamarr (that's Hedley not Hedy)