Thanks for the input. I need all the help I can get. Here are the rules. I have bet the locals that I can build the water wheel from junk from a scrap yard. I will horse trade for every thing except concrete and paint and perhaps some welding rods. The unit has to look and perform as if store bought. i.e. have that factory finish to it but perform as it should.

I need more information on the function of a ram type pump. I had thought of building a diaphram pump from an old tractor tire with a short stroke crank shaft and a simple check valve. Any ideas. The ancient folks in Egypt want have anything on us when we get this thing finished.( I hope) Any and all constructive and destructive criticism is appreciated. At the present time I have the following parts.

#1 18 in structural H beams to support the water wheel
#2 Bearning assembly and center hub wheel to weld the spokes to.
#3 Drive Axle with 20 to 1 planatery gear multiplier.
#4 Right Angle gear assemble to transfer power to the drive line
#5 Brake assembly to lock down the water wheel
#6 Part of the flume assemblly to feed the water wheel
#7 Part of the steel to build the buckets out of for the wheel itself
#8 Midpoint bearing for supporting the end of the drive line that will somehow connect to the pump assembly.

Need ???? #1 Determine What type pump is most efficient
A. diaphram pump from old tractor tire
B. ram pump
#2 Best way to construct pump from junk yard components.

#3 Bestway and most efficient way to construct spokes for wheel and size/shape/number of buckets. Also if I should add a lot of mass to the wheel to make it heavy like a big flywheel. Any mechanical engineers out there?
Anyone else out there crazy??????????