Fishman, I understand where you are coming from. You are correct in most situations phosphorus is what is important. I based my price on retail. Thanks for your time on figuring that out.

I wanted to get a price based on what the product recommends to clients. In other words Thrive says 4 lbs/acre.($5.20/app.) Liquid I would say is 1.5 gals/acre. ($6/app.)WHat about SE, Fishman and Shan? What is it's application rate?

Based on Retail and the P you figured this is the breakdown...per 100 units of P

Thrive $2.30
Liquid $0.68 (how was this figured?)
SE $3.92(based on double wholesale price)

The problem with figuring on P is mode of appliction. LIquid unless diluted sinks to bottom and most of it may never benefit the pond. Water soluble works much easier because it dissolves in upper portion of water column. Thus the application rate for it is lower. I have never used SE, is it supposed to be a time release, if so then it would rank higher on a P basis even though it is more expensive.

Obviously what you pay for the product makes a big diff. Fishman, how did you figure the liquid? I got a price of $11.70/gal. retail
Anyway, thanks for your help. I believe SE is easiest to use, etc., but I believe it to be more expensive. Shan how did you get the $4.40. Not questioning you, I just did not know price or app. rate for it??? Thanks!

Greg Grimes