Where and how to set the net in a pond is often decided by the pond shape. smile "Ideally," I like 1-2 feet of water over the first frame on the net. However, as you are discovering, the nets tend to fish despite differences in how they are set. smile

I think you were wise to pull the net. I don't like to keep them out more than one, or maybe two nights at the most. The fish start to get banged up -- frayed fins and small nicks that create the "portal of entry" for bacterial diseases and fungus.

Yes, I thought about you working a net from that particular boat when I saw the photo. Generally, we run nets with two people. Put a washtub in your boat with some water, and then bring the net in on top of it. Grab the float and anchor, then put the furthest back hoop over the tub, and then the rest of the hoops, and then the frames. Then we "shake down" the net. Lift the first frame, shake, lift the second frame up to the first, shake both, lift the first hoop, shake, etc. The fish will fall to the bottom where you can untie the cod end. Being an iron man, you could attempt the entire process yourself. smile

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From Bob Lusk: Dr. Dave Willis passed away January 13, 2014. He continues to be a key part of our Pond Boss family...and always will be.