Wow what a difference!!

Hey everyone things are starting to come to an end for us this year and I find myself almost going to miss it. Almost that is smile If it wasn't for the heat I would miss it for sure! Below are a couple of pics of the cabin as of Sunday afternoon. We got it all painted and windows caulked trim on the windows and all the doors on! Man what a difference with the doors, windows and paint on! It really is starting to look great! A specail shout out to my mom and dad for everyting they have done this 4 months with me. They really have worked hard and I think they are in the best shape of thier lives!! smile If it were not for them this would have never been able to happen!!! Thanks mom and dad for everything!

Picture of parking area side with main front door. This door will have a landing on it and steps along with about a 3 foot wide by 8 foot long sidewalk up to the steps. That will be next year! And of course we will be putting on white alluminum fascia and white vinyl sophet next spring. We sure have come a long ways since post number 1 though! smile smile

Here is the front view of the cabin now. We will be taking down the walkway this week and next March we will be looking at putting on the 14x16 foot deck with a subroof covering the deck.

I will have a 1 or 2 more pics next week yet as we wrap things up, but for now just wanted to say thanks to everyone out here that encouraged us along and helped us out when I ask for it!! You guys are all great!!! Thanks a TON!!

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!