
I'd stock 50 fingerling LMB or even 75. You will want a LMB heavy pond. I'd bone up on identifying the different sexes of BG, because you'll want to cull out females, and any thin slowly growing (they are longer than the other BG) males.

Personal choice here, but if I caught some very large females, that were more round (good vertical height vs. length) I'd leave them in for good genetics. You will be able to tell next year (and possibly this year) the round looking fish from the longer, more slender BG.

If you are referring to culling LMB, I wouldn't cull any out until they got to 16". Then cull every one that is larger than that. You want a lot of small LMB in the pond and more male BG than females. Later on this year, try bumping up the food to 500 size, then 600 size. I'm feeding BG in one pond that are only 4"-5" long and they are eating AM600. I'm amazed at how small the fish are that are eating the 600 pellets vs. the fish in my pond. Mine, even at 8" still prefer 500.
3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).