Welcome to PB. One of the answers we most often give is "it depends". As a biologist you understand just how complicated a bio-system can be. It is a giant web with many interactions. Every pond I have ever looked at is different form the one before due to that web and the dirt and water involved. I trust you can understand how hard it is to give good advice on such complicated systems without having ever seen it. Often even when seen in person there are no easy surefire answers. Please understand that our first concern , like a Dr. , is to do no harm. We have to be careful that we don't give advice that will cause a major problem like a fish kill.

I think that if you take Bill's description and mine - we are both describing a vigorous plankton bloom and what happens and what factors effect it. I have seen what you are describing on our ponds and others and it is ok as long as the water does not get thicker and it goes away during the day. The aeration should help. Monitor the situation and if there are any changes post it here. But keep in mind it is our opinion and just the best we can do under the circumstance.

I have know Bill for years and I assure you he is not condescending and is trying to give you the help you request. For example see this thread.


One suggestion that would help is a brief description of a daily cycle - what you see over the course of a day ( 7 am , 10 am , noon , 3 pm , 6 pm and at dark). Visibility , color , thickness (stuff floating or not) and anything else you see which might have a bearing on water quality.

Last edited by ewest; 06/04/11 07:19 PM.