I started thinning the herd yesterday.

Im in the process of building a Grass Carp Bow fishing Platform for the shallow end where the devils hang out just out of bow range from the bank. After I hauled the new experiment to its spot, I cleaned up tools and fed fish. As soon as the fish food hits the water you will see a couple or 4 or 5 Turtles stick up their heads and move toward the fish feeding. So, with my trusty Ruger 22 pistol, I counted coup on 5. They lost interest after that.

Mr Sparkplug, I do feed and the CC eat readily. But I have found that if I fish when feeding, I may catch one cat then they are out of there for at least 45 minutes. Sensitive i guess seeing a brother or sister taken to the stringer...

But thats a slow way, fun , but slow to kill turtles.

One observation...the CC could be 2 feet from said Turtle and the shot seemed to have little or no effect on them. BG's just ignore it and go on feeding.