Many questions smile

Water level now is a bit more than in the last picture. We are not planning to raise its level this year because of these trees and bushes. This winter they will be down. Then next spring/summer we have to remove top soil in same places and improve dam in one places (that's visible in pictures).

I'm not sure that I understand the term "water shed"... maybe you could explain it? Does it mean area that give water to pond?

About precipitation. Average rain rate for Latvia is 600-700 mm per year. I guess that my region doesn't differ much from it. But I have to add that melting snow is another water source.

Sad but usually I'm very far from this pond but I try to to visit it each time it's possible. Soon I'm having a vacation and I'm going to be there again smile
My relatives live quite close to the pond and they watch after the fish and son on.