Originally Posted By: ewest
Great work RC or should I say RC's dad. That is one big job.

Hey Eric,

Yeah my Dad is the master mind that's for sure! But make no bones about it I am the hustle behind this muscle! smile And I am learning a lot that's for sure! My Dad is a trooper and I try my best not to leave him to much hard stuff to do during the week on his own! Like I said i am going to owe him a NICE Fathers Day gift for sure!

The cabin is nice sized at 24x40 we got what Brettski calls 4 foot i'tis a couple of times. It started out 20x32 but that didn't last long! smile

Last edited by RC51; 05/11/11 09:39 AM.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!