My gut feeling was that it didn't look like 3 pounds, but I wasn't sure enough to call him out on it. I did ask him "is that really 3 pounds" and he confirmed that it was.

I'd read on here that the rosey reds are eaten up really fast by fish and birds so I wanted to get the standard coloration. Still, I figure that since there are no other fish in the pond yet I'll have plenty of standard colored ones by the time "real" fish go in.

I didn't hand sort each one to check for unwanted species. I did spot-check several and they all looked like Fathead Minnows to me, although I'm no fish expert. Hopefully I didn't screw up and introduce something else.

Any thoughts on how fast they'll reproduce in the pond by themselves given adequate spawning material? My plan was FHM, wait a while, CNBG, wait a while, LMB. How long should I hold off before stocking some Bluegill?