Originally Posted By: Bill Cody
It is nornmal to not see bubbles right away when pump starts. Once bubbles are released it takes 1 sec per foot of depth for bubbles to rise to the surface. When it takes longer than that the pump is probably pushing water out the airline - unneeded and over stress for the compressor. A low pressure guage (15-30psi) at the pump lets you monitor lots of things including when the air is released from the diffuser. I always suggest a low psi guage at the pump. The membrane diffusers almost always have a build in check valve to prevent water back flow when the air flow stops. Clogging of diffuser can eventually result in clogging of check valve. It depends. Diffuser check valves can be cleaned.

I would be very interested to hear about the life span of these compressors when used for deep pond (6-15ft) aeration. Users please report back as your systems age.

Hey Bill,

That would explain why mine takes about 8 seconds to show up then as my fusers are in 8 foot of water. Thanks for that bit of into. I have had mine only going on my second year in 8 foot of water. So far no problems at all. I know AP has had a Eco plus 5 pump for 3 or 4 years and he runs his year around in the winter and has not failed him yet although he doesn't run it very deep I don't think. Joker is the only one I know of that has one deeper than mine and his is at 12 feet but he just put his in a couple of months ago. And for 105 bucks for the Eco 7 you can't beat the price. Heck you could even have another one on the shelf in case you need it for that price.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!