Sunil, are you talking about crawdads? Speak English, boy.

I've stocked them 3 or 4 times in small ponds but they all died. I have always gotten them from the local grocery store, put them on ice, and made a fast trip. When they have thawed out they were feisty and went into the water. When I've returned, it looked like they had committed suicide by coon. They had all left the water and gone up on the bank to meet their fate. I made some calls to crawdad raisers in Louisiana and the consensus was that they had been in the store too long. I guess the answer is to get them shipped directly from the farm and get them in the water ASAP. The price was a bunch higher than at the store. I probably won't mess with them again. However, in Houston, you might be able to make a fast trip and get them.

It's not about the fish. It's about the pond. Take care of the pond and the fish will be fine. PB subscriber since before it was in color.

Without a sense of urgency, Nothing ever gets done.

Boy, if I say "sic em", you'd better look for something to bite. Sam Shelley Rancher and Farmer Muleshoe Texas 1892-1985 RIP