Originally Posted By: Brettski
Man, I get tired just lookin' at the pics.
I gotta ask, RC...
Why the choice to use posts instead of a concrete slab or stem wall/slab foundation?

Hey Ski,

Ahh yeah is was a TON of work! I am reminded of you when you said how hard it was to get motivated to go back to work cause you were so sore and tired!! I already have felt some that action and were just getting started! smile

Umm why posts and not a slab? Well they main reason for that I would say would be cost. I got all these 6x6 posts for right near 300 bucks a far cry less then what a 24x40 foot slab would have cost me that would have been a little over 3 grand here. Second I sort of wanted to have my cabin up a little on the front side anyway so I can get under it easy and work on drain lines / piping things like that. Why not a stem wall /slab foundation? Thats a good question and I don't have any answer other then we never really gave it any thought. The posts I put down are good for 30 years they say or longer we'll see about that. We have them surronded nicely with concrete too so I think we will be fine. With 23 posts and concrete included it only cost us about 450 bucks. You can't beat that.

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!