Thank you so much for your assistance. It will not fall on deaf ears. If I have learned anything from the hours of reading on this forum it is to try and do things right the first time or the nightmares may begin.. About my pond...The best way to describe it would be a dumbell shape with only runoff for a source of water. One side of the dumbell is approx 22 feet deep with a stair stepped island in the center that has 12 baldcypress planted at the peak and around the edges of the island to help shade the pond eventually. banks are between 2-1 and 3-1 The center of the dumbell is approx 7 feet deep and approx 75 yrds long with 2-1 banks. It is set up to spread out over surrounding grass lands when at full pool to give minnows a place to party... The temp dam is at the head of the narrow to allow the lower half to fill while the upper half is being completed. The lower half of the dumbell is approx 12 feet deep and has a fair share of shallower water on east side for spawning and water plants. each end of the dumbell is approx an acre in size and once the upper half is complete the temp dam will be removed and it will be one pond 2.5 acres more or less at full pool.

As for cover I will try and take some pics and post to see if I am on the right track. While constructing we have left some ridges, dirt piles etc.. Also as mentioned we built the island using a stair step method each step is approx 3 feet in height and three feet in width This was done on two sides of the island. I have also constructed three large pallet runs using pallets stair stepped up the bank held down by lrg rocks placed on top of them. Each run contains about 10 pallets. Also I constructed a pallet pyramid starting with 6 pallets on the bottom and stepping each one in and building it up so that it is seven feet tall. This is also held down by numerous bricks and rocks set on each pallet.. It almost looks like a large rock pile. all together i have nearly 50 pallets in the pond so far. I have also cut down three large cedar trees (nearly 18 feet tall) and place them along the edges of the pond trunk towards the bank and top running down hill. Along with that I cut down a fairly large oak and laid it sideways along the bank piling small boulders on the trunk and along the bottom to make a pretty decent size boulder pile. for the small stuff I took six ton of 3/4 in trap rock and spread it out to make a bed about 30 yards by 30 yards starting at six feet deep and going to the surface. Along with that we have several other rock and gravel piles placed here and there.With a couple large logs laid down running up hill.. I have also seeded the banks down to the water with annual rye, buckwheat and clover to hopefully germinate soon and give some vegative cover as well as spawing habitat for the gsh. I cut three 10 foot tall cedars and laid them next to a pallet teepee for my daughters ducks to use as cover until the water level rises and turns it to fish habitat. Last but not least I am picking up bricks, busted concrete pieces etc.. to place on dam.

As for the other questions....Yes I do plan on feeding. Goals for fish..Get as big as possible...

My family eats a ton of fish So as far as the perch, bluegill and crappie they are tablefare as well as fun for the kids. We will harvest these as soon as they are big enough to fillet but at the same time allow some to get big enough by implementing a size limit. Ie keep all crappie under 15 inches Same for the perch

The hbs, we, smb are for pleasure as well as managing the prey..catch and release only unless the smb do reproduce and need managed then we will eat them also.

Blue tilapia for algae and plant control as well as eating

Res for controlling snails and eating

Fatheads, shiners, and lake chub suckers for feeding the fish and trapping to use as bait for fishing at other lakes. Ie shiners once they get big I'll trap and use for striper fishing.

I am very willing to do the work to make this all happen. Cant wait to start managing the fish.. I am getting real tired of digging. every day since Nov I have been out there doing something.This pond is all a dug out pond. We have a dam at the end to back the water up high enough so it overflow away from the neighbors. The pond is basically in my front yard so I wont have to spend any gas money to get there