Originally Posted By: jevans5050
im trying to install a diy economical aeration system on a 1/4 to 1/2 acre pond. can some of you share the good and bad results you have had with air pumps/ compressors that would work for this? what would you recomend and how did your system turn out? thanks

Hey Jevans,

Good to have ya! The link BK provided for you will get you down that air station road for sure! A friend of mine from this site actually put me on to the Eco Plus Air Pump. His name no the forum is adirondack pond! He helped me out quite a bit. (Thanks AP) smile

Anyway AP has the Eco Plus 5 air pump and he loves it! So I thought I would try out the Eco Plus 7. It's a bit bigger and can do a little more for ya. Do a search for the pump it's only like 105 bucks or so.

I too was worried how long it would last?? But AP has told me he has had one now for 3 or 4 years and no problems and he runs his 24/7 in the winter time. For your pond size this pump could be right up your alley. I know it was mine and I have about a 1 acre pond about 8 to 9 feet deep. So far I have had no problems out of my pump but I only run mine about 8 hours a day. And at the price you almost could afford to have one sitting on the shelf if you needed a spare for emergency. Make sure you soak everything in though on this site about air. A lot of guys on this site have far more expert advise on air systems then I do. I am no expert, but the system I created thanks to all the folks here giving me advise works great for me and seems to be a great system for ponds in the 1 acre or less size. Have a good one and don't hesitate to ask questions. That's how you learn!!

The only difference between a rut and a Grave is the depth. So get up get out of that rut and get moving!! Time to work!!