I'm relieved to share another milestone. We just passed our rough-in electrical inspection. Although I had some anxiety, it turned out to be fairly anti-climatic.
Some of the memorable comments the inspector used were: (as he stood in front of the panels, carefully looking them up and down) "you do nice work". Near the end of his tour through the structure, I think my favorite was "I can't find anything wrong". Actually, after he was satisfied with my work and we spent some time talking, we did uncover some minor stuff that I should consider fixing, but the deal is done. I am approved to proceed with construction. Oddly, about 1/2 his visit was spent standing in front of the bank of picture windows looking over the pond as I went thru a pond Q & A session with him.

To all you electricians out there, I tip my hat. It ain't a walk in the park; you have my respect.
To one specific electrician out there, many thanks for the technical assistance.