Thanks rainman and catmandoo,
I guess I should clarify that only the phone conversation was “a little discouraging” to the wife when speaking with the local agent. I will hold judgment until I speak with him onsite.
He did agree to make a trip, he had some personal time off and said he would call us upon his return after a little catch up work that would be waiting on him, we hope this week. We are in SW VA. And yes there are many ponds in the area. A few are mud holes however most look great. Some are stream feed and others are surface only. I have not tried to speak to any owners as of yet or any dirt movers or well drillers. Before I started that process I wanted to speak with the local NRCS agent. I do not have a lot of connections or contacts in the area so when I start that fact finding mission I will have to seek them out. I figure if a dirt mover has exp. and references that will get me started. As for the clay around I’m not sure. I do not want a mud hole or a half full pond so we will do what it takes as far as the “homework” before the first piece of equipment hits the property. I feel that I have the basic information and the resources of PB to enter this project with a full scope and understanding of the information needed. Thanks to everyone on PB. I will be a subscriber shortly, I did not want to jump the gun and learn the dream will not happen.
Just to let everyone know how long this has been a thought. About 5 years ago we had the power company move the power lines that use to run right through the middle of what we hope is our pond. That took 3 new polls and some additional underground wire. We bought the place for the property not the house. That is another story and project. Yes, she wants a new house to view the pond…