Ron - Couple of notes.
1. Crappie 7"-11" are not going to be able to eat bgill much bigger than 1.5". I wouldn't think 12-14" crappie would even eat bgill 1.5" long. Maybe an expert or someone who uses bgill as bait can help us out here. They're going to key in on the 5/8"-1" size (w/ 1.2" being on the less desirable size). I have a friend who uses the 5/8"-1" size sunfish for crappie bait. I think bgill larger than 2" are undesirable in the crappie-bgill pond except for spawning. This size & larger bgill should be thinned/cropped; while leaving enough for breeders.
2. Thining could be done with traps or seines or bass.
3. Seining will let you know how well things are spawning & how relatively many small sizes are present.
4. Impt. check this next fish trip. Do the large bgill have completely black ear/gill flaps. Lift up a gill flap. No lighter or marginal rose or lighter color along the margin, back border? Look close. Check several fish 4-5" long.. Report back.

Last edited by Bill Cody; 02/05/18 05:12 PM.

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