Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why that surprised me. I feed the catfish in my aquarium shrimp pellets but some of the smaller fish that can't eat them whole pick them up and carry them around in their mouths and eat them as they soften up and can swallow a little bit at a time, despite there being smaller foods they could eat without a problem. I've seen them work on one pellet for half an hour before. I guess it makes sense that one large bite for the same energy as 10 small ones works out better for them. It also reminds me of a time I was fishing a small coastal creek when I lived near Virginia Beach. I was fishing from a bridge and saw what looked to be a headless catfish swimming backwards, coming closer to the surface. Turns out that it was a snake of some sort trying to eat a catfish that was about 3 times bigger around than the snake head first. Not a huge snake fan, and it kind of creeped me out.