If I wanted to try to establish GShiners in a pond with adult predators like Dwight's I would do the following (caution in advance as it could turn out badly):

Block off a cove/area about 1/2 acre * and add some extra cover (10 xmas trees would work) , add several range cubes (at least one suspended away from shore) , assuming a light bloom then add a floating fertilizer tub (to ramp-up the bloom in that area) , add adult GShiners (in time for spring/summer spawning) and let them do their thing , buy a bag of AM 400 and 20 days after stocking the adults start feeding 1 lb of food by hand per day, 30 days after the adults go in add purchased GShiner fry and feed until the food runs out (you have a 50 day supply), at the end of the food remove the net. Better yet buy an extra bag of GFC and keep them there an extra 25 days feeding 2 lbs per day.

Keep a close eye on things so you can adjust as needed.

* to block off the cove reverse seine out from shore to run out the predators.

Last edited by ewest; 02/21/11 09:47 PM.