Thank you for the feedback. I had not thought through the tiger musky just thought it would be a nice novelty but the thought of them eating my good perch and good walleye sounds more turning loose a finned poacher than a novelty. They are off the list! I have begun adding the fish habitat with the goal of protecting the forage like using large cedars laid down on the bank to keep them tight i have placed them in shallow water trunk towards the bank leading down towards deeper water. I also have around 75 wooden pallets to construct pallet pyramids so that only smaller fish can get in as well as numerous other small christmas tree cedars and pines placed throught the pond in groups of three. The gsh sounds great and i will definetly add them. When can I start stocking GSH and FHM. I do really want the crappie and the perch in the pond as they are one of my favorites. Would it help to start out stocking larger HBS caught from another body of water. We have an excellent HBS fishery not to far from here and with tanks in my truck I could catch numerous five to six pounders and get them to my pond in a short amount of time during the early spring while the temps are cool. Is this a good idea to help control the crappie numbers. If so how long do I wait before stocking them and how many would you put in. Also thought of implementing a slot limit for the crappies on the pond. Has any one had any success with this?