Originally Posted By: esshup
The game is late enough so we can get in some goose hunting in before it starts.

Ken, do you have any special goose recipes (even jerky) that'd be worth trying? These are Greater Canadian Geese. Some are over 10#.


Unfortunately, I've not had a lot of great success with Canada geese. Over 40 years I've tried many ways of fixing them. No matter what, I find them gamey and greasy. Even smoked or turned into jerky, they just aren't great. For some reason, they are very different from wild duck and domestic goose.

About the only edible way I've found to fix them is to use only the breasts. For anyone not familiar with Canada goose breasts, they look a lot like calves liver -- very dark reddish brown. I split them down the middle into two pieces, and soak them in saltwater over night -- about a half cup of salt to two quarts of water. The next day I will cut them into finger sized pieces, or just a little larger. Like my fish, I coat them in flour and then dip them in a flavored batter, usually a beer batter. I deep fry them. They are actually pretty good.

Give it a try.


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