Wow...3 weeks off! Between lousy weather, some previous committments, and a promise to Dski to get a few honey-do's done around the principal home, I've been AWOL from the LNP project. It felt good to get back...really.
It was a short weekend for us, but we managed to finish all the partition wall framing. We have a small amount of blocking to finish, but it's pretty much done.

This creates the framework to separate the garage parking area from the shop area. It also sets a couple of benchmarks for the project. First, we are done with all the framing...period. Kinda sad...NOT. There will plenty of other wood-related projects to help me forget this sad day.
Secondly, this opens the door to pulling the rough electrical. This step is a big deal. I am very anxious to get it knocked out and inspected. With that point behind us, we can focus on finishing out this shop area that we just created. Although this kinda sounds like I have mal-adjusted priorities (by putting the actual upstairs living space on hold), there is a method to the madness. If we can get the shop area all buttoned up and drywalled, it gives us a 400+ square foot area of protected living space to move in to. After nearly 2 years of living in 120 square feet, this is a significant upgrade that we are both anxious to achieve.