I would not say my pond is LMB crowded as this spring coming up should be the first year the LMB may spawn so right now I would guess that I should have 20-30 LMB in my pond depending on how many were eaten by the GSF that nature stocked or just died do to shock of being stocked in December 2009. Plus I added a few larger ones this past summer/fall to help reduce the GSF population. I am sure they are busy at work eating as I have yet to catch a LMB.

Now you could consider my pond to be CC crowded and I plan to remove as many of them as I can this spring/summer/fall or when ever they bite for that matter. Most of them should be at least a pound by now and hope to have them double or triple that by this fall. Which with the GFC feedings a few times a day and all the GSF & HBG they can eat I would think this could be possible. Plus if any of the FHM or GSH made it that may be an option as well.