Good question GW – I really don't know, but I'll give my opinion and strategy employed.

First of all HSB don't become hook shy on pellet flies if pellet trained and in a feeding frenzy mode.
Competition overcomes conditioning.

The approach I use for selective harvest is size of lure/fly.
Larger the fish – larger the lure – and use single hooks.
Treble hooks will catch small fish.

I've done well recently with a 3 inch $Gill fly tied with synthetic GLO bright chartreaus material, with chartreaue spinner blade.
They'll probably get wise to this fly.

Based on my experience, the larger the fish the harder the fight and more prone to stress.
Mortality from stress appears to be about the three-pound range if not landed quickly and resuscitated.
I've only killed one HSB and it was 4.5 #'s and good table fare.
Based on years of striped bass fishing, I prefer 2 – 3 # fish for the table.

Trim the stronger red meat as you would a white bass or striped bass.
Excellent table fare.